Like, OMG, it's, like, totally, like, All About Me

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I am RANDOM and HIGHLY luvable. I am the creator but my friend also writes. That's why I type this: (me)in the title of all my entries- so you can tell us apart. Good luck and ENJOY my tough pie crusts!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

How do you feel about I'm So There?

Ok. So you like I'm So There, right? If so, then we don't care! (ok, maybe we do a little) But anyway, we want I'm So There to become just a weensy bit more popular. So tell your friends. Tell your family. Tell your pet goose. Tell the llama down the street. Tell your computer (or scream at him). Tell your Grandma. Tell your Grandpa. Tell the crazy person who sold you Oreos last weekend. Tell your razor next time you shave. Tell that old stick of butter sitting in your cupboard since January. Tell your bottle of Sprite. Tell the dime under your couch cushion. Tell your big brother's boxer shorts. Tell the bee that was flying around your iris flower (and then wait to get stung). Tell your TV remote. Tell that creepy painting of a naked lady in your dining room (then run away). Tell the fire hydrant down the road. Tell the jellybean at the bottom of your pencil case. In other words, tell everyone/everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D Oh, yeah! Now get out there and tell about I'm So There! And if you don't get our point, reread this post several 347 times! Then you'll get it! Yay!

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